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The Sarus Crane holds a special place within the ancient culture of Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha.
2,500 years ago Prince Siddhartha Gautama fought to save this magnificent bird, and today we wish to continue honoring this noble mission.
The tallest flying bird in the world is indeed an ancient reminder of this noble culture that valued the preservation of life above all else. LSSF is partnering with Lumbini Crane Conservation Center to manage and conserve 256 acres of land in the Lumbini Master plan area as a Sarus Crane and Bird sanctuary.
Currently there are 90 – 100 pairs of Sarus Cranes nesting in and around the Lumbini Masterplan area and the neighboring farmlands.
Our objectives
To involve the local community in the conservation and management of their natural resources
To restore and recreate the natural habitat diversity of the Nepalese Central Terai, with special consideration for the Sarus Crane
To establish an education facility and wild garden in demonstration of Buddha’s love for nature and the relevance of his teachings for modern conservation
To continue protecting the Sarus Crane and its natural habitat in the Lumbini Garden, LSSF and LCS envision creative strategies such as the construction of a science and conservation museum, the development of a pedestrian boardwalk to welcome nature and bird enthusiasts, and Buddhist-centered tours for pilgrims.
We believe that the links between the birth and life of the Buddha, the natural environment, and the high regard of Buddhism for the preservation of life will be supportive elements in helping to further develop the Lumbini Crane Sanctuary in the years to come.
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