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The Canadian Engaged Buddhism Association is our major partner and supports all of our development programs. Composed of a small group of dedicated volunteers, CEBA seeks ways to apply the insights of meditation practice and Buddha’s teachings to help relieve suffering and injustice. Individual member’s efforts and local initiatives focus on relieving animals’ suffering and environmental causes. Globally, CEBA supports the work of Venerable Metteyya Sakyaputta in Lumbini, Nepal. Since its inception, CEBA has developed as a platform for the ideas of this wise and visionary young monk, taking a partner role with other agencies in seeing the Metta-Family of Projects come into being. CEBA has also supported Global Karuna, our earthquake relief branch, 100% in all of its work, and has made all of our efforts to bring aid to the people of Nepal possible. Founders include Ven. Bodhi Sakyadhita, Ven. Metteyya Sakyaputta, David Parker, Margaret Marean, Dayna McIntyre, Hira Moktan and Lisa Kapty.
Click here to visit the CEBA website.
Anatta World Health & Education Outreach is a grassroots non-profit organization based in New Jersey, USA. Anatta primarily works in creating and supporting medical and educational programs in developing countries worldwide. Anatta envisions a world in which every person has access to adequate healthcare, education, and opportunity for self-empowerment. As an initial Anatta “Metta-Family” collaboration project, Anatta built a children’s library at the Peace Grove Nunnery in Lumbini, Nepal. The Anatta partnership is dedicated to improving health care and educational opportunities in Lumbini, building on the strong community support and foundational work of Venerables Metteyya and Bodhi. Their next project is a comprehensive rural health care program, including a hospital in Lumbini.
Anatta has also collected and sent much needed donations to Global Karuna (our earthquake relief branch) and will continue their strong support when they move into the rebuilding phase. Cornelia Santschi is Anatta’s founder and president.
Click here to visit the Anatta website.
Sell for a Well (SFAW) is very nice team of benevolent Aussie volunteers led by our friend Rob Staple. Together with his friends, he raises money through internet auctions and receives donations to fund water drilling projects. We have been working together for the last two years to drill ground water wells in the Lumbini area, to help provide clean drinking water to the rural communities. As 69% of the common health problems around Lumbini are water-born, these clean drinking water wells are helping thousands of families. Thanks to SFAW, one new well is completed approximately every month. This group was one of the biggest supporters of our earthquake relief and rebuilding efforts.
Click here to visit the SFAW Facebook page.
OPAM is the abbreviation for Opera di Promozione dell’ Alfabetizzazione nel Mondo, or, Foundation for the Promotion of Literacy in the World. The Italian name has its origin in its initial foundation of the organisation in Rome in 1972. In 1980 OPAM e.V. was founded in Lindlar-Linde (Germany) for the German-speaking countries Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

OPAM is our major partner in Germany and together we have worked to help grow the educational opportunities for the children of Lumbini. OPAM was established with the aim to promote literacy in the world as a means of empowering rural communities to combat poverty and oppression, and to pave the road for development.

President of OPAM, Mr. Werner Mays, visited Lumbini in 2010 and came to know Venerable Metteyya through a mutual friend, Prof. Bernadette Broeskamp. Venerable Metteyya travels to Germany on the invitation of OPAM to participate in their programs and to visit local schools.

Click here to visit the OPAM website.
Action Five e.V. Bonn is a non-profit organization supported exclusively by volunteers. Action five is based on the idea that one should donate 5% of one’s income or time to helping developing countries to achieve sustainability. Action Five has supported us in our education programs. They helped to fund a footbridge across a river behind our Metta School to help connect isolated rural villages, and to improve access for the children of these villages to the school.
Click here to visit the Action Five website.
Ein Koernchen Reis (One Grain of Rice) was started by couple Rosemarie and Karl Dieter Sorg from Bad Honnef, Germany, with the idea that even a small grain of rice put in the right place at the right time can bring change. One Grain of Rice helps to support us by funding teachers salaries.
Click here to visit the One Grain of Reis website.
Medical Mercy Canada has nine long-term projects in Nepal, and also operates on the Thailand- Burmese border and the Ukraine. It empowers local champions to improve impoverished areas and create healthy communities. We have been working with Medical Mercy Canada through our friend and supporter Trevor Ironside to help build and fund Karuna Girls College. Medical Mercy Canada was also instrumental in the organization of a women's health camp in Lumbini.
Click here to visit the One Grain of Reis website.
Guided by our beloved dharma friends Alan Lokus and Suzanna Weiss, the Community Meditation Center (CMC) in NYC is a dedicated group of meditation practitioners. This kind, warm, and generous sangha feels like part of our extended Metta family, and CMC has become welcoming home to Venerable Metteyya during his travels to NYC. Community Meditation Center supports LSSF through generous 'dana' for general use at our Lumbini projects.
Click here to visit the CMC website.
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