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Venerable Metteyya Sakyputta was born in a small village in southern Nepal.
As a young boy, he spent his days in the shade of an ancient Pipala tree, in the sacred garden of the Maya Devi Temple – the birthplace of the Buddha. Even in the night, he would lay there and think about the universe and how it worked, and about society and what he could do to inspire positive change.
As a student, he was active in establishing environmental clubs, service clubs, tutoring programs, scholarships, and a textbook donation drive for students who could not afford to buy their books or continue their studies.
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Now an ordained Buddhist monk named the Venerable Metteyya, this young man has become a beloved Buddhism teacher around the world. He was one of the featured scholars in the 2010 PBS documentary “The Buddha”, and was portrayed alongside other well-known meditators in the 2014 documentary “On Meditation”. He was also a featured chapter in Allan Lokos’ book: “Patience: The Art of Peaceful Living.”
Venerable Metteyya is the founder of the Lumbini Social Service Foundation (LSSF), and in addition to the Metta Gurukul School, he has opened: a branch Metta school (Punnihawa School) in a neighboring village, a college exclusively for rural girls (Karuna Girls College), a nunnery for young girls (Peace Grove Institute), and has also begun the construction of a peace education center and monastery for young boys (Bodhi Institute), all in his home community.
Stay tuned
For Venerable Metteyya's personal website, coming soon!