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After the earthquake of April 25th, our founder Venerable Metteyya called upon his volunteers and supporters to contribute to this important humanitarian cause.

Out of a desire to serve and support the victims of this natural disaster with compassionate action, LSSF formed a new branch called Global Karuna (compassion) to provide aid to earthquake affected areas.
As a new operation, Global Karuna has grown and adapted rapidly to meet the needs of earthquake survivors. From day to day, and week to week, the needs of the Nepalese people and their villages have changed, and so have our methods and the relief supplies we’ve provided. While initial days and weeks focused primarily on water and food supplies to all affected areas, subsequent weeks focused on more remote areas and supplies for shelter.
From the beginning, our priority has been to provide earthquake victims with the help and supplies they need, as quickly as possible.

Initially, therefore, we primarily offered supplies indirectly, through the many active local volunteer networks in operation. This allowed us to reach a great number of people in need, in a short period of time. As local volunteers settled back into their daily lives and as we learned of isolated villages out of the reach of larger organizations, we shifted to a direct supply methodology. Thanks to our dedicated and compassionate donors, we have been blessed with the means to bring supplies into the most devastated areas of Nepal by truck and by helicopter.
As we look forward, our focus continues to shift toward long-term reconstruction projects.
Projects such as Namuna Gaun and Gompa Lungdang seek to utilize local natural and human resources to rebuild sustainable and in an eco-friendly manner, but also to preserve the unique and diverse cultural heritage of Nepal’s villages.

With the help of volunteer experts, active youth, local community members, and you (!) we hope to inspire and support a wave of integrated community development and rebuilding of Nepal.
Let’s work together
Please explore our website to read more about Global Karuna and our work