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We believe that wellbeing is intimately linked with the natural environment.
Every aspect of human life, society, and agriculture depends on a balanced environment. A lack of awareness and knowledge about the role of the environment in health leads to the senseless exploitation, pollution, and ultimate destruction of natural resources. This is why LSSF aims to educate school children and their families directly about the vital relationships between wellness, communities, and nature.
Our Dharma approach to conservation is a balanced one, based on an understanding of the interdependence of society and nature.
LSSF therefore encourages projects and programs which educate communities to appreciate and conserve local diversity, and to contemplate the importance of harmony between nature and man for the sustainable growth of society.
At all of our schools, children are taught about the importance of respecting and preserving Lumbini’s biodiversity. They also learn about the effects of pollution on the environment and on health and wellness. Each school runs small gardening projects on campus and clean-up days, and the Peace Grove Institute seasonally plants a small, organic kitchen garden.
The Sarus Crane is a historical symbol of peace and love in Nepal. Indeed, the tallest flying bird in the world is like an ancient reminder of this noble culture that valued the preservation of life above all else. LSSF is partnering with Lumbini Crane Conservation Centre to manage and conserve 256 acres of land in the Lumbini Master plan area as a Sarus Crane and Bird sanctuary.
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